Ikea! Trip!
So we went to Ikea with our favourite adopted orphan child/general pack mule, Kevin. In addition to the random non-food related things that are inevitably acquired on such a trip, I bought frozen Swedish Meatballs and Salmon Pate in a Tube. And we ate hot dogs. In the plural. As in, we ate three apiece. Except for Keerthi, who opted for two hot dogs and the hugest cinnamon bun ever. Here you see her attempting to juggle her omnipresent gold clutch with the remnants of said cinnamon bun and the two hot dogs which she proceeded to DROWN in condiments. But those hot dogs were good. So good. I want one now. But instead all I have in my kitchen is:
-a lot of 50 cent dinnerware
-inexplicably unsealable ikea tupperware
-frozen Swedish Meatballs
-Salmon Pate in a Tube
I think Kevin summed the Ikea Experience up the best when he said:
"how could i say no to the walk of hell to port authority, a smelly mass of new jersians, awful cafeteria food, and hauling around keerthi's shelves? i'm there!"
1000 Ikea Dr
Elizabeth, NJ 07201
(908) 629-0318
(Free bus service available to and from Manhattan Port Authority on weekends)