Two Brown Girls

Two brown girls, two countries, and two kitchens in which to play!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

London Dinner Parties: Take Two

I've been trying to do an open weekly dinner party here in London -- my three flatmates and various assorted friends are all informed of date and time and are expected to bring the cook a bottle of wine. My plan is to cook for however many people as come, and so last week I made beef stew for ten, which went over quite well (then again, college students rarely turn down free food).

This week, considerably enboldened by my previous success, I decided to extend the invitation even further around, and thus this Saturday was consumed with making: Shepard's Pie for Twenty! No recipe (largely because it was really just a very basic pie in very large quantities and I'm simply too tired after all that cooking). However, here we see the lovely C enjoying her food thoroughly!

Stay tuned for the next edition of the London Chronicles!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Version 2.0

Yes, yes, its a new format. Sort of. Kind of.

We're still playing around with it, so be patient, but twobrowngirls will (soon) be better than ever, we promise!
